May 3, 2007

I'm better than you....

There have been many AD fights in the advertising world...what i call as "I'm better than you fight" Sprite and thumbs up had their TV commercial fights...Pepsi-coke too had theirs. A recent post in a blog shows another fight amongst three Airlines...JET, Kingfisher and GO Air. Marketing students would love it...I loved it too...but ...somewhere i just had a feeling for a few seconds that such fights are like the childish quarrels between 2 kindergarten kids. These people are Corporate...shouldn't they prove with their products rather than just some poster fight. But then if the marketers don't yell out and prove that your products are the best, then there is no use of your product being the best..Hmm...Ok, so the argument inside my mind got the answer...keep up the good work marketers...

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